...a certain shade of [green]
what are _you_ waiting for?


golly gee. i haven't updated in, oh, a little over two weeks. so, extremely short synopsis of the events during the time i've been home:

-> unpack luggage. unpack boxes. unpack room. sleep. [week one]
-> paperwork. filing work. transcript work. [week two]
-> careers services, resumes, cover letters, references. see dad, family, friends, drive lots in car. [week three]
-> interview, interview, find job. yay! find flat. oh boy... [current]

so yeah, next up is that damn flat-hunting experience. but i'm also excited, as i've got a really cool roommate who is bringing a fish tank :). the fun starts saturday afternoon...

posted by exedinburger | 2:14 AM (link) |


oh yeah... happy birthday to me :)

posted by exedinburger | 12:29 PM (link) |

finally! blogger wouldn't let me post to this damn thing since i've gotten back to the states! well, now that i'm back online, more updates to come...

posted by exedinburger | 12:29 PM (link) |


she's alive i'm home and in one piece! and tired! very tired!

more when i'm not asleep at the wheel...

posted by exedinburger | 8:36 PM (link) |
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