...a certain shade of [green]
what are _you_ waiting for?


the downward spiral?

haven't posted in a bit - apologies. had some stuff to take care of this weekend that couldn't have been done earlier (read: i went shopping).

this is big. this is very big. senior officials within the bush administration have been accused of outing a cia agent as a revenge tactic. the justice department is beginning an inquiry into the accusations.

here's the deal - joseph wilson was the diplomat sent on an mission to niger to check on the assertion in british intelligence that saddam had tried to buy yellowcake uranium there. he found no clear and convincing evidence and became one of the most outspoken critics of bush's use of the evidence in his justification for the war. in july, robert novak, a conservative columnist, tried to smear wilson by stating that it was his wife who got him the job by suggesting it. within the article, however, novak named wilson's wife - valerie plame - and cited 2 unnamed top administration officials as sources. since then, wilson has claimed that at least 3 journalists have told him that the white house contacted them trying to push the plame story. the washington post claims that their sources have confirmed that 2 top officials cold-called at least 6 journalists or reporters trying to push the story - fortunately only novak was slimy enough to take the bait.

more about this tonite when i'm not at work.

posted by exedinburger | 12:52 PM (link) |


oh man...

[i meant to write about this on tuesday but ran out of time, especially considering i was out of town on business. so pretend this is breaking news...]

edward said has died. what an unbelievable loss. not insofar as his death due to leukemia - that's wholly believable - but because of the tragic consequences this will have for palestinian advocacy, and even advocacy of the arab world in general. one day, when i'm not at work, i'll write about his influence on my own theories and beliefs. until then, i guess all i can say is r.i.p....

posted by exedinburger | 4:23 PM (link) |


halloween, a month and a bit early.

for the third time now in less than 4 weeks, the power's gone out in montgomery county [due to varying degrees of thunderstorms and our recently departed friend isabel]. makes me wonder if montgo county might have a bit of a structural problem. what's weird, though, is that each time we've not lost power here at the condo. in fact, right now the power is out across the street. and we're lighted and cooled and hot-watered. i think we're due for a lack of luck very shortly.

eeriest moment of power-outage observation - a school around here has emergency-generated light in some of the front foyers and rooms. the rest of the rooms, however, have some sort of emergency alert, consisting in part of strobes flashing every few seconds. these strobes, of course, are not coordinated. looks like either a haunted spookhouse or a scene from schindler's list [which is too gruesome to mention, really].

i'd like to post some substantive content one of these days.

posted by exedinburger | 10:24 PM (link) |

oh man, it's like christmas!

turns out my online photo album (link to the right) is actually still up and working. and i thought it was lost forever!

things get better every hour.

posted by exedinburger | 8:04 PM (link) |

there's a title field now??

hot damn. it's been a million years since my last post. and the world has apparently turned upside-down. or, maybe i've been looking at it through the back of a spoon. either way, give me a few to get reacquainted with this mechanism, and i'll be back online shortly.

posted by exedinburger | 4:24 PM (link) |
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